
Full Hack Generator Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Publisher 2K Australia


Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel cheats macOS platform




Notices best: 17k critiques: Although the story is inferior to BL2 as most anyone would agree, the game is mechanically superior to BL2, and it's unfortunate that that fact got swallowed by the negative views on it. Specifically, in BL2, the game has a slag mechanic, which amplifies the damage of anything non-slag that hits it. Unfortunately this means that on any of the higher difficulties, enemies become absolute bullet sponges, as they are balanced expecting you to use slag. This really sucks for single player, or for weapon variety in general. In the Pre-Sequel, there is no slag, so enemies are balanced better, and even on higher difficulties. So things get harder, but not as stupidly as in BL2 authors: 2K Australia Story: Launch into the Borderlands universe and shoot ‘n’ loot your way through a brand new adventure that rockets you onto Pandora’s moon in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!


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